ThiThierry Verstraete is the co-author of the GRP model. Doctor in management science, accredited to supervise research and specialised in higher education, he is Professor at the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises (IAE) of Bordeaux University.

He directs the IRGO research team in Entrepreneurship (Institut de Recherche en Gestion des Organisations), committed to the GRP-Lab project. In a teaching context, he is responsible for the Masters in “Business Creation, Take-over and Entrepreneurship” of the IAE and co-responsible for the Professional Degree “Entrepreneurship” of the Sales Techniques department of IUT Montesquieu.

Holder of the Chair in Entrepreneurship at the Bordeaux University Foundation, Professor Verstraete is also the scientist behind the ECA program (Entrepreneuriat Campus Aquitaine), which he founded. His main interests are entrepreneurship and the Business Model.

His publications can be viewed at this address