Estèle Jouison-Laffitte is the co-author of the GRP model. Doctor in management science, she is associate professor at IUT Bordeaux Montesquieu. She is member of the IRGO research team in Entrepreneurship (Institut de Recherche en Gestion des Organisations), committed to the GRP-Lab project.
In a teaching context, she lectures within two specialist training programs in entrepreneurship at Bordeaux University: the Masters in “Business Creation, Take-over and Entrepreneurship” (IAE) and the Professional Degree in “Entrepreneurship” (TC department of the IUT Bordeaux Montesquieu).
She participates actively in the ECA program (Entrepreneuriat Campus Aquitaine) by presenting on the Business Model theme, which has been at the heart of her research since 2004. Her main interests are entrepreneurship, the Business Model and accompanying business creators and innovative firms.