Telling my story to conceive it and to sell it: GRP Storyteller!

Because the Business Model is a shared representation of a business, putting it in writing helps you think it through! GRP Storyteller helps entrepreneurs tell the story of their Business to be convincing in 9 sentences (Poster mode), 9 paragraphs (Story-board mode) or 9 pages (Script mode). A free and secure tool aimed at project leaders and their advisors.


Within the IDEX University of Bordeaux's Social Innovation Centres, GRP Lab is a skills platform dedicated to raising awareness, training and support for entrepreneurship.

Developed to help the design or the reformulation of a business, the GRP model is addressed to project leaders (creation, takeover, development...) and their advisers (consultants, financiers, accountants, territorial development actors...). The tools are also used by teachers and their students as part of entrepreneurship training.

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